

Thursday 25 September 2014

Visual Arts: Casting Our Hands using Modroc

Today's visual arts class was influenced by the work of the sculptor George Segal (1924 - 2000).  Segal used plaster bandages (modroc) to cast lifesize figures.  Here is an example of his work:

Using Segal's work as inspiration we made casts of our hands using modroc.

First we cut the modroc into small pieces.

We covered our hand in Vaseline to make it easier to remove the cast from our hand when it's dry.

We dipped the modroc into water and placed it on our hand.

Gradually, we built our cast, layer upon layer.

After 15 minutes the modroc was dry enough to remove.

Click on this image to see some of our work:

Our work is hanging up in our classroom now for all visitors to see.